Sky To the Moon
Logline - Sky to the moon is a story about a little boy named Sky who dreams of one day adventuring out into space and exploring the moon. As he moves towards that goal
he becomes engulfed and obssessed to the point of not caring about who he hurts or what he has to do to obtain it. His relationship with his family and his best friend
Geneveve are at stake as he inches closer and closer to achieving his plans. Will he stop before it's too late or is he willing to sacrifice what he has to obtain what he wants.
Fade to blk - A rocket ship is sailing over a sea of sparkling stars and colorful planets, swooping and diving through the ether.
Male - VO -
Vrrrrrggghhh swoooooooshh
In the distance before the ship, bright flashes cut through the void.
Female Vo -
Uh nO!! look out meteorites
Male Vo -
The ship glides smoothly and effortlessly through the gaps between the meteorites.
Male vo -
Hhewww that was close
yea , we almost didn't make it. Genevave giggles.
Gen - Gasp!! There it is... Mushroom planet.
Skylar - hold on tight!! im bringing her in for a landing. Sky and Gen both make shaky noises
simulating turbulance while shaking the book
Both VO - Its gonna be a bumpy riduhuhuhuhuhuhh.
Both laughing Hahahhaahah
Sky - wouldn't it be cool if we can go to mushroom planet for real.
Gen - uh huh we can see the basiddms
Gen - but how will we go there?
a hand comes into the dark blanket screen pointing at the rocketship
Sky - With that!
pull out to reveal sky and gen outside on a bright shiny day the wind is a nice calm breeze
and everything is serene they are laying underneath a tree reading their favorite book
Gen - um but we don't have a rockets ships
Sky - We can build one like in the book
Gen - Ohh ohh can I HELP
Sky - Sure why not and My dad can help too hes good at stuff like that.
both their laughter fill the air. A shadow quickly approaches soon covering their face
A voice cuts through their laughter bringing it to a screeching halt.
Ent - Barquero Bros.
Michael Barq 1 - HAHAHAAHAH whats so funny?
Mikael Barq 2 - Yea whats so funnY huh?
Michel Barq 3 - Looks like they were laughing about something in that book Michael
Barq 1 - Whats this? hahaha Barqo 1 quickly snatches the book right out of skylars hand
Barq 1 - umm...michael is taking a long time pondering what the tittle says
Barq 3 - Leans over "thee...wonderful mushroom planet?"
Barqo bros - hahahahah lauhging simultaneously.
Gen - Whats so funny!! me and skylar are gonna go there one day
Silence the barqo brothers look at each other
Barqo bros - HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA keep dreaming.
Skylar stands up approaching them when genaveve steps in
Gen - Give it Back!! or Im gonna tell on you!
Barq 1 - (mockingly) aww ok ok I'm sorry little Genaveve here
He dangles the book towards genaveve she reaches for it
the moment her fingertips are about to touch he chucks it across the field
the book is slowly soars through the air as the pages are tearing and trailing behind
Skylar quickly rushes to grab the book but its too late.
The pages in the book is torn and is covered in mudd. he drops down to his knees and slowly picks up the book
as the barquero brothers mockingly walk away.
Genaveve drops down next to him trying to comfort him by placing her hand on his hand as skylar is reaching for the book.
Genaveve - It's ok don't be sad we can fix it.
Skylar mumbles to himself
Skylar - I'll show them...
as he closes his eyes and wipes a tear off of his eyes and flings it
the tear falls onto the image of a moon on the book which we pull back to transitions in to the moon itself
Fade to blk
7 years later
The small town of Wanacreville is asleep
but one Window is still lit
Ent - Skys attic room - 3 am - 7 years later
A large panel window fills the screen as a small object flies across.
It goes right past a mobile of the solar sytem, we push in closer to the moon model as another object zooms right pass it
but we can see it clearly now its a miniature mockup rocket. As soon as that one lands another one flies right by, reminescent
of a scene from any general space battle scene but this time this rocket hits the mobile and falls in a downward sprial bouncing as it slowly
comes to a stop revealing many other minature rockets. We also see a figure in the background.
Skylar age 14 -
Skylar is tinkering with a miniature balistic trying to get the angles right as he is moving it up and down and jotting down numbers
going back and forth. He stops...puts the pencil down and loads up the rocket...he takes a deep breath and prepares to launch it one last time
Swooooooooooooooosh and the rocket flies off...Skylar sighs with a face of dissapointment
Skylar - There has to be a better way to control the trajectory...
He quickly turns his chair to a wall full of Photos of space travel, mathematical equations, drawings and mockups of balistas and Space travel, we also see the wonderful flight
to mushroom planet book laying on the table. It looks like it has seen better days. Skylar is quickly scanning through the pictures on the wall while tapping his fingers when he noticed
something...a map of an amusement park WANACRE Amusement park a photo is attached to it. Its a picture of Skylar and Geneveve and on it reads 12/24/81. He picks it up and his thumb covers up
most of Genaveves face.
Skylar stares intently at the photo push in to focus on the face of sky and the partially covered face of genaveve
slight whip pan same photo roller coaster railings are in focus now
Skylar - THATS IT!!
he quickly swooshes his chair back around even faster than before and starts to scribble on the piece of paper.
He puts the pencil down and slides his way towards one of the windows
There is a telegram machine resting on the one of the small tables near the window
Skylar - I gotta tell Geneveve
He taps it a few times deeet deet det de deet repeat 3x
We follow the vibrating sound on the wires as it vibrates towards the next house.
Enter - Different house - Genaveves room - 3:30 am
A bell that is attached to the vibrating wire is causing it to ring
DING DING DING DING - Genaveve is asleep all tangled in her blankets...the room has a nice blue tint to it and is a very typical 15 year old girls room
there are posters of alternative bands, movies and a few stuffed animals scattered across the bed she is holding onto a big fat stuffed animal her legs are
wrapped around it using it as a comfy body pillow
she moves slightly and the bell is picking up its pace dingindingindg. Geneveve sits up and wipes her eyes they are still groggy and quickly grabs the cup-phone
Geneveve - you know what time it is...its 3 in the morning...which means people are usually still asleep at this time...
cut back to sky on the phone cup telegram machine
Sky - I know i know but i had to tell you...
Sky - I figured it out!
the sound of skys voice is verberating through the phone cup - in a muffly but semi-clear way...
Geneveve - ...A ramp? what do you mean?
Geneveve - how big?...ugh...are you sure...
Sky - Yes! i did all the neccessary calculations for it figured out the trajectory blbalbla insert scientific language<<
Gen - ok ok...i'm sorry i asked sounds like it could work...but...
Sky - Don't worry it will go as planned
skys voice is still mumbling through the phone
Gen - ok i guess ill see you in the morning?
SKy - 8 o clock sharp don't be late ok!
Gen - ok gnite, you should get some rest too you know...
Sky - how can i sleep im so close to achieving my goals i gotta work on it a bit more get some of the bugs out of the way
Gen - ok ok...just don't let it get in the way of your health...night skylar
Sky - Goodnight!
Genaveve hangs up the phone and cuts to sky back at his table scribbling away...
camera pulls out
fade to blk
Morning - Garage -
Sky is in the garage welding some thing together we cannot clearly se e what it is but there is a large object in the foreground
its being covered by some tarp.
Geneveve walks in and sneaks up on sky
Gen - Hey!
Sky turns around and flips his welding mask up his face is covered in soot and sweat but all of that is dwarfed by the gleaming smile that is on his face
Sky - lets go put this on
he hands her a pair of work glove
Build up
Enter we are in a field that looks very familiar
Sky and Gen come in the scene already in a conversatio
Genaveve is seen holding the drawing of the ramp from the night before
she flips the paper and points at it
Gen - but how are you even going to support it?
Sky - With that
he points at an enormous tree just ahead of them. The tree from when they were little but it is old now and some of the branches are cut off.
Gen - remember that day when we made that promise
Sky looks at Geneveve with smile
Sky - Yea...we are almost there...
Gen - Well what are we waiting for lets get started.
Sky - Ok first we need...
we pull back and the conversation fades off into a timelapse montage of the building of the ramp
Sky and Gen are collecting wood from Geneves Barn
Sky and Gen are going around town stealing a ton of Fire Extinguishers
Sky and Gen are hammering and cutting wood
Sky and Gen are making a pully system to pull each other up to the tree
(all of this is happenning from morning to night it ends at night)
As sky is sitting on top of the tree bracn and putting the final nail in the ramp the moon is extra
full and bright as its casting a light blue hue on his face and gens face.
Genaveve is staring at sky from below the tree
geneve yelling from below
Gen - Good Job now come down!
Sky - Look at me Genaveve I can almost touch it!
Sky is reaching and pretending to grab for the moon which is so full and big behind him turning him into a nice sillouhette
we cut to Genaveves face she is smiling and happy for him. But slowly her smile fades into sadness...
Sky comes running
Sky - Hey did you see me up there.
Gen - Yea it was amazing
She forces a smile trying not to let sky know how she was feeling.
Gen - Hey I have a present for you
Sky - Oh I love presents
Gen - lets go back its at my house
Sky is sitting on the edge of the steps enjoying a nice scoop of rockyroad
Gen comes out with her arms behind her back
Gen - Close your eyes
Sky - eh?
Gen - Just do it!
Sky squints his face and closes his eyes
Gen - ok ok now stick out your hand
Sky - But i got ice cream
Gen - I'll Hold it for you
Gen - ok now open your eyes
Sky slowly opens his eyes with his hands extended hes holding something in his hands and everything starts off blurry but slowly comes in to focus we
see genaveve in the background as she is also slowly coming into focus shes holding the icecream close to her chest
Gen - Do you like it..?
Sky takes a moment to examine the suit
looking at it closley turning it inside out and twisiting it around
Sky - It''s incredible it's meticulous stupendous it looks exactly like the Insert wonderful flight to mushroom planet stuff
Gen looks at sky with an confused look
Gen - So do you like it?
we see his lips slowly arching upwards as a smile is filling the screen hes in awe
Sky - It's the best present that anyone has ever given me.
Suddenly a familiar voice breaks the tender moment
Enter the Barquero Bros.
Michael - HAH what are you twerps doing now
Mikel - Looks like they are exchanging gifts big bro.
Michel - Ahh maybe they are in loooove
Michael - Aww did your girlfriend make that for you
Sky - Shes not my girlfriend, Shes my friend
Gen looks at the barquero brothers and sees something suspicious
Gen - Did you take that from blblaba(they stole fireworks)
Gen - you wanna go to see the fireworks with me...
Sky is still upset from the confrontation and is looking at the ground
Sky - I don't think so...
Gen scoots in a little closer and tugs at his arm
Gen - cmon it will be fun
Sky snaps his arm back
Sky - I don't Have time for fun!
Gen looks at him with eyes of
Gen - I just want you to spend a little bit of time with me...thats all.
Sky - I don't want to see the fireworks...I have more important things to do...
Gen looks at sky
Gen - I'm...sorry...she quickly turns around and runs into her house
Sky is still he looks at the space suit
Fad to blk
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll end up among the stars.
Alright, really cool to see this in a scripts type format. Like I was telling you though, it feels like this is just the same stuff we've been talking about. Really cool to see all the stuff in here though and it's great fodder for storyboards, I think now it's just about, like I was saying, writing it visually and seeing if we can board it without having to use dialogue, like a challenge.
ReplyDeleteIt's really hard to see this whole thing play out as is though. It seems coherent thou. The only thing that kinda irked me a bit was the beginning, it seems very "kiddy", but they are kids, so... I guess, it's useful. Maybe deal with loss of innocence somehow when they get older to contrast with the beginning? Like in a del toro, pans labyrinth type way?